23 March 2018: Telegram Frank & Friends in Berlin

23.03.2018: Telegram Frank & Friends in Berlin

Behind TELEGRAM FRANK there is no-one less than FRANK VOLLMANN, the singer and leader of FRANK THE BAPTIST. A little incident involving some overzealous Berlin cops resulted in the necessity to hold a benefit concert. For this, Frank had invited a couple of friends.

At first there was a very nice solo performance of LEDING. It is no secret that I’m a big fan of SALVATION AMP, and a gig by the band’s singer and guitarist Christian Leding didn’t only feature great solo tracks, but also gave a new flair to some of the band’s songs.

Then came DEATH VALENTINE, whose singer Marty and guitarist Meikel also play in SEPULCRUM MENTIS. Drummer Nestor used to play in GOLDEN APES some years ago. The three delivered a nice acoustic rock set with some interesting covers, like “The Watchman” by Fields of the Nephilim.

Then TELEGRAM FRANK came on stage, with Marty on bass. The two traded songs and banter, including a couple of Frank the Baptist tracks. In-between Frank also solved the riddle of what incident lead to this concert.

Conclusion: a beautiful night with great music, nice people and delicious drinks (somehow I’m missing about half an hour afterwards… *g*) Top!


Video-Playlist (3 Videos):


Updated: Friday March 30th, 2018 — 20:36